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It would be really cool if you could talk to people from imageboards privately. Maybe there could be a browser extension that adds a random (for anonymity) address with a communication application to each post. I think SimpleX Chat would work well because of it's "Incognito Mode" and because you don't have to make millions of accounts with a server that might not like that.
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Anonymous 04/06/24(Sat)22:33:57 No. 1IMEJGPZ >>BVVI5RWQ
Just post your PGP key and ask people to use it
Anonymous 04/09/24(Tue)22:42:07 No. BVVI5RWQ >>7HX7O0W7
>>1IMEJGPZ No because it would have to be a different PGP key for each post and it needs an alternate data channel other than the imageboard.
Anonymous 04/11/24(Thu)00:17:03 No. T5RA1YMQ
>>BVVI5RWQ thats sks
Anonymous 04/12/24(Fri)10:29:42 No. 7HX7O0W7 >>YWBW9TRW
>>BVVI5RWQ >No because it would have to be a different PGP key for each post ?? Just write once: This is my key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- etc -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Anonymous 04/18/24(Thu)02:24:07 No. YWBW9TRW
>>7HX7O0W7 Takes up space and there's no communication channel to send messages over other than the imageboard itself

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https://www.halfords.com/technology/mobile-phone-accessories/audio-accessories/scosche-universal-wireless-fm-transmitter-472442.html I wonder if something like this could be used to jam that really annoying music they play in public places?

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/cumg/ - Cooming Utilities & More General Anonymous 04/25/21(Sun)12:03:43 No. fg-224HRMU5
>Links Wiki: https://coom.tech/ https://rentry.co/coom >Endchan Board (because the jannies here hate us) https://endchan.net/cumg/ >What is /cumg/ In this thread we discuss technology and software for cooming, data-hoarding, scripts, and more. >Hydrus Network https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ You are using Hydrus, aren't you anon? You do contribute tags to Hydrus PTR right anon? >LoliSnatcher Droid https://github.com/NO-ob/LoliSnatcher_Droid
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Anonymous 04/01/24(Mon)20:53:48 No. 7RB2L1PD
>>5GLUR2BO >leading *lewding
Anonymous 04/01/24(Mon)22:07:20 No. LV954X29
>>5GLUR2BO > Aren't Gen Alpha inherently minors? The oldest gen alpha is 14 years old, so yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Alpha#Date_and_age_range_definitions > There is not yet a consensus on the birth years of Generation Alpha. Media sources focused on Generation Alpha have used starting birth years such as 2010,[15] 2011,[4] 2012, or 2013; "the early 2010s".
Anonymous 04/06/24(Sat)18:58:08 No. EAT3LQ66
no so sturdy huh
Anonymous 04/08/24(Mon)09:04:37 No. W87HVSDV
Does anyone know of something for Android that lets you download stuff from boorus and keep the tags?
Anonymous 04/08/24(Mon)09:05:37 No. DVD33OQK
Translations as well

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Fellas what do you think of this one >Litepub (fediverse) server >federates over ipfs, among other protocols >plan9-native >e2ee messages https://liberapay.com/Revolver/ i think we're getting near the singularity as far as fedi technology goes, its definately a big step
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Anonymous 08/28/22(Sun)19:13:32 No. fg-D6CVDBTW
>>fg-UHJJ18QM (OP) IDK what p is doing but I have a pet theory revolver is just a newer version of quanta.wiki and his power word is clay ferguson, clay has a FSE account and randomly is following a dev of some typescript activitypub server that matches soem screenshots ew posted. it's either p or moon. https://github.com/Clay-Ferguson/ipsm https://github.com/Clay-Ferguson/quantizr
Anonymous 11/08/22(Tue)07:56:08 No. 85H9353W
Anonymous 02/16/24(Fri)22:24:01 No. H3UY65GF >>4L5VHHH2
two more weeks
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)08:47:05 No. 4L5VHHH2 >>1X0JYC0M
>>H3UY65GF fuck yeah
Anonymous 03/03/24(Sun)09:51:59 No. 1X0JYC0M
>>4L5VHHH2 just two more weeks

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bunnyi not allowed to archive this or the corners will activate
Anonymous 03/02/24(Sat)13:40:58 No. NX8GBS7P
>>UAX5ZUR1 >warD get some help
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>>NX8GBS7P i did but the site doesnt work war daemon won

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Hypothetical Cross-Service Operations Anonymous 07/15/23(Sat)07:42:20 No. AE0WJ4SI
it's pretty cool how you can post from mastodon into a lemmy instance in this thread we hypothesize about potential interoperability between fchan and other activitypub services
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Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)16:08:10 No. Y0ZXM928
>>QKZQWLBL Sounds similar to https://mastinator.com/, except that's read only
Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)16:17:29 No. JOHD053Q
>>E8Z49OCJ Pleroma seems right up your alley. It leans mostly right and non-LGBT, but the people who aren't still won't get wound up about stuff like you describe.
Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)17:57:23 No. 48ZW81Y4
>>JOHD053Q wasnt elixir bloat developed by altlgbt funny if true
Anonymous 02/20/24(Tue)18:00:25 No. FF1E9GEY
>>Y0ZXM928 This service deeply enraged the mastodon trannies. https://mastinator.com/apology/
Anonymous 02/28/24(Wed)06:17:53 No. XRVFAOLG
I think we should bridge this place with Mastodon.

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Idea for FChannel Anonymous 02/10/24(Sat)20:50:33 No. TJY5KMDK
Post hiding. So that you can hide reported posts until they are dealt with.
Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)05:59:29 No. 1KSTA0P8
>>TJY5KMDK (OP) I remember when it used to open up the thread you reported.
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>>TJY5KMDK (OP) Added. The new menu needs still needs some tweaking.
Anonymous 02/27/24(Tue)21:44:37 No. 17UAKIET
>>SKG3SOFF based
Anonymous 02/27/24(Tue)21:49:56 No. 4U7O3FTZ
>>SKG3SOFF When I want to reply to somebody, I highlight the number and then paste it into the comment field. The triangle makes this very hard to do. Can make it so there's more empty space between the triangle and the number?

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>4chan is going to shit >fchan is not getting 4chan refugees how?
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I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 02/08/24(Thu)03:38:20 No. LF7EJ04W
>>063MXW90 I think it's better if we looked for people we thought were good posters, rather than try and get as many people as possible from any website. Advertising to groups of people who you want on your site seems like a good idea. If you think having 4channers on this website is a good idea, then you can advertise it to them if you'd like. I stopped posting on 4chan all together, so I won't advertise there, but you can if you want to.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)15:15:59 No. NXA652E6 >>M23LTHDL
>>063MXW90 >>BY56FQUE you better be baiting
Anonymous 02/10/24(Sat)20:52:25 No. M23LTHDL
>>NXA652E6 Just telling the truth
Anonymous 02/13/24(Tue)19:41:46 No. KEAWXM1C
>>M23LTHDL a 10% truth with a federated imageboard and who you are speaking with try again in a month
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)01:58:58 No. CRXBLM8T
>>TFQXS42B (OP) Do NOT let 4channers know that other image boards exist for love of god 4chan is a containment zone for banned redditors and shillbots

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GNU: we generally do not accept new packages that substantially overlap with an existing GNU package. As a coherent system, it is better for GNU to have a given package to do a given job, and people in that area to contribute to and improve that package, working together, instead of having many packages that each do different parts of a job, each developed on its own. Similarly, a small program often fits better as part of an existing package than being a new package of its own. Also GNU: *has 5 text editors (ed, emacs, moe, nano, and zile) and 4 implementations of scheme (guile, kawa, MIT/GNU Scheme, SCM) *

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gif test
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new test
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>>OYUAOEWB >>HW0E6FFA I'm happy with this for now.

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#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   printf("Hello, BOOBS!");
   return 0;
Anonymous 01/07/24(Sun)15:02:01 No. S4LW8LB7
$ figlet boobs
 _                 _         
| |__   ___   ___ | |__  ___ 
| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| '_ \/ __|
| |_) | (_) | (_) | |_) \__ \
|_.__/ \___/ \___/|_.__/|___/

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Idea for censorship-resistant piracy Anonymous 09/29/23(Fri)22:46:39 No. H4EP7X0B
local offline pirate (or legal) library mirrors that store metadata and IPFS/magnet links (Anna's Archive already uses IPFS gateways so we get that for free), packaged as an application. It could use RSS or Atom feeds to keep up to date and have built-in search. So, for example, a source could be libgen, Sci-Hub, etc. Or even a legal library. Compared to just searching in Anna's Archive, it prevents/mitigates: - external censorship (i.e. censorship from hosting providers and governments) (probably the biggest threat when it comes to piracy) - internal censorship (i.e. censorship from the library owners themselves) (always possible) - server/human failure (mistakes happen) Is this feasible? Would the set of CIDs/infohashes be small enough?
Anonymous 09/30/23(Sat)17:54:37 No. F2TGOIPX
It seems possible. I am not sure you could get all the metadata you need. Also it would make more sense if you could download your own archives and read them. I have no idea of the scale of things but I would guess there's less than a billion books ever published in human history. So lets assume we have a billion books we need to track. IDK the minimum size of magnet links but nyaa has magnet links of around 500 bytes. So if you wanted to get metadata for every book ever published would be 500 billion bytes or half a terabyte. If there are only around a hundred million books (internet archive has 38 million) then the metadata would be about 50 gigabytes. The RSS feed that could give you every single magnet link would be huge, way too big to distribute to every client. Alternatively you could have an RSS have the new entries and at the bottom, it would have magnet links to download large pages of older links.
Anonymous 09/30/23(Sat)17:57:22 No. 2NVD7M9Q
Some bittorent clients already have rss feed support.
Anonymous 09/30/23(Sat)18:00:53 No. HFD93H9U
Also don't use the term "Piracy" use the term sharing or "Copyright Infringement".
Anonymous 12/21/23(Thu)12:06:24 No. 5SL3B3RH >>ABC14ZCM
Just use I2P torrents.
Anonymous 12/26/23(Tue)11:03:50 No. ABC14ZCM
>>5SL3B3RH Need a place to get them, which could censor.

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This has got to be the best alarm sound to remind you to take your medication: https://gitlab.com/simpilldev/simpill/-/blob/main/app/src/main/res/raw/eas_alarm.mp3 In the app, it calls it "Doomsday Alarm".

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Future of fchan Anonymous 09/03/23(Sun)14:08:52 No. YS5SAPIA
I really want an activitypub based imageboard to continue. Please do the needful
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Anonymous 11/19/23(Sun)11:33:08 No. 50SV6SWH
>>ZBPZATXS hello Anonymous
Anonymous 11/19/23(Sun)15:47:57 No. AYYS2LJL >>43U4UA7K
I am curious about how this sort of software is supposed to run. Is it a separate daemon that runs on the background and uses a webserver as a reverse proxy, or is it a CGI script that is ran by the webserver at every request?
Anonymous 11/23/23(Thu)00:52:36 No. 2PCRFE8M
>>SN159BD5 it's a non issue nowadays there must be some CLIP-like solution that deals with the issue automatically
Anonymous 11/23/23(Thu)06:34:41 No. 43U4UA7K
>>AYYS2LJL FChannel runs as a "daemon". I can't really see any reason why you couldn't achieve the same with CGI.
Anonymous 11/25/23(Sat)21:40:56 No. MFBC3QT2
>>43U4UA7K I was just wondering if there is a "correct" way to do it. Because for a CGI script, you would need to initialize everything at every request. If it's a daemon, it doesn't need to load the entire database for every request, it already has everything it needs in memory ready to generate a response, so no overhead at the cost of having some memory used all the time. I suppose in the end it depends on the complexity of the software. If it's something very simple and not frequently used, there is no need to turn it into a daemon.

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A while ago, there was an idea called OcapPub that was meant to be ActivityPub but where you have to invite people to talk to you. I was thinking something like that might be a good idea to deal with the coming AI bot problem. We could have a locked down social network where existing members have to attest to the humanity of new members. An imageboard could be implemented by using ring signatures to add anonymity.
Anonymous 10/21/23(Sat)22:20:32 No. M9DI3Q59 >>WJCXZB77
By "a locked down social network where existing members have to attest to the humanity of new members", I meant that existing members would vote on whether a new user is a bot or a human.
Anonymous 10/22/23(Sun)16:46:58 No. WJCXZB77 >>0CNLBUKL
>>M9DI3Q59 And bots that slip through the cracks would vote for new bots. This system assumes high proficiency in the ability to effectively differentiate a bot from a human. That's not mentioning glowies.
Anonymous 10/23/23(Mon)00:22:39 No. 0CNLBUKL
>>WJCXZB77 I was thinking it would be for people who know each other before the bot apocalypse. Otherwise, new users could dox themselves. Remember that there are technologies that can be used to make ourselves anonymous or pseudonymous again.
Anonymous 10/23/23(Mon)00:25:02 No. RFH8EHAA
such as the aforementioned ring signatures

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