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sudo rm -rf /*
Anonymous 07/19/22(Tue)20:51:40 No. ftech-DZ7EL24L
>>ftech-0UPC4092 (OP) me
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>>ftech-0UPC4092 (OP) [fed@cia ~] ~> sudo rm -rf /* bash: sudo: command not found [fed@cia ~] ~>

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The secret meeting of the high council will gather tomorrow to determine if poopchan shall be evicted from the group. We have to ask ourselves... do we really want some perverted anal prolapsed poop eater representing fchan??? It is not the best representative of fchan to have so much poop without no toilet paper. We MUST include toiletpaper chan OR get rid of poopchan. By the way the owner of poopchan likes to smear poop all over and get naked...its called scat parties.

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Poopchan says this on every board "OutboxGet:529 : WantToServePage:1120 : GetCollectionPage:331 : GetRepliesLimit:667 : GetRepliesReplies:704 : pq: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections" what does that mean???????

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Hey poopchan people...this pic is so cool that it should be your theme pic!!!! lol Can you use it for your logo?? That would be cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey all anyone have any ideal bout the performance of fchan? Like, is it reliable and could someone have a site with lots of boards? Every listed site only have a few boards, so its impossible to see if a site with shitloads of boards and users would work well. Oah and the pic is the closest thing I had to poop, since I am posting on poopchan lol
Anonymous 08/12/22(Fri)03:14:10 No. KZX4Z3D0
>>fg-QAVHQFZK (OP) Nobody tried yet.
Anonymous 08/12/22(Fri)09:19:49 No. fg-H0XZT58G
i told ppl on yeshoney xyz / lynx how much lyncx sucks in comparison to fchan
Anonymous 08/12/22(Fri)09:20:30 No. fg-7QVH44ZP
lynx is a fag who deletes good points

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I'm being irradiated by the 5G network Anonymous 02/19/22(Sat)22:14:32 No. DBTV5Q2Y
The government is pushing psyops to attribute the 60GHz wavelength to modifying oxygen absorption as a strawman to be able to disprove claims, but that's not the mechanism that it kills with. It kills through producing endogenous opiates to the point of respiratory depression and people die from ischemia (a lack of oxygen). It comes and goes. There are two noticeable kinds. One causes vascular spasms resulting in a pulsation feeling across the body and I can see it in my veins. It sometimes affects muscles and causes a them to twitch or causes me to spasm while trying to sleep by contracting muscles in my back and abs. After a long time of this my chest hurts, probably from my heart struggling to keep up with the alternating cardiovascular tension. I can block this immediately in a limb by wrapping it in mylar and the spasms stop in that part of the body. The second kind seems to be endogenous opiate production and it it interferes with breathing. The mechanism seems to be through 61.22GHz endogenous opiate induced-respiratory depression and it comes with a dulled sense of pain, but not mechanosensation. The government and/or telecom companies are trying to kill me with radiation, probably because I'm White or a White Nationalist. You can verify endogenous opiate production is caused by 61.22GHz radiation, it's called electromagnetic millimeter wave induced hypoalgesia. THE GOVERNMENT IS KILLING PEOPLE WITH 5G AND THEY HAVE BEEN TARGETING ME WITH IT.
Anonymous 03/29/22(Tue)12:35:48 No. I0GG6OX2
>>DBTV5Q2Y (OP) Well move away to a location with no 5G, and low radiofrequencies i guess. You also have paints that blocks EMFs. EMFs are the cause of the modern flu. Viruses do not exist, as viruses are your own cells breaking down. Genetic material from exosomes.
Anonymous 05/02/22(Mon)04:12:53 No. fg-VPS4GA49
>>fg-DBTV5Q2Y → you're just retard, relax
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>>fg-DBTV5Q2Y → Dude in picrel put his head inside of an particle accelerator and he is still alive, you will be fine. However 5g is actually shitty for other reasons, it allows for an even bigger spying and it will also look shit because you need more 5g towers
Anonymous 07/07/22(Thu)00:00:45 No. J5VFDJTY
>>DBTV5Q2Y (OP) >I'm being irradiated This has got to be the most unhinged nigger I have ever seen.
Anonymous 07/29/22(Fri)14:40:13 No. EH73Z8OC
>>DBTV5Q2Y (OP) if YOU offered me to have sex with ME I would not hesitate to say ?

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been shillin Anonymous 07/08/22(Fri)18:16:06 No. fg-RCCL92SQ
so which one of you faggots has been shilling this shit over at https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/87654853 i appreciate your intent but the turboretards on that board aren't going to bite
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Anonymous 07/11/22(Mon)13:41:07 No. fg-POZH7R4Y
>>fg-HMOUWPDH if there was any difference you would seethe about it and yes, despite no difference on the surface, there is a big difference on architectural level, and exactly that will be why Fchan will prosper
Anonymous 07/15/22(Fri)21:53:40 No. VNR1E2ZY
When did 4chan become so dumb?
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)11:50:49 No. fg-55X8T8K9
>>fg-VNR1E2ZY → When media started talking about hacker group ,,Anonymous" that's when 4chan started declining. https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=3qHv_riV1AM
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)14:32:15 No. fg-6N8BHH4H
>>fg-RCCL92SQ (OP) who dat 4 chan
Anonymous 07/18/22(Mon)23:21:57 No. LKBG9LCE
>>fg-55X8T8K9 I still remember once upon a time Anonymous was not synonym of 1337 wannabes...

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What do you guys think of Mental Outlaw? Are there any genuinely good tech youtubers out there? Linus is a consoomer shill, Luke Smith is a pretentious ass, every other one is either boring as fuck or super annoying. Mental Outlaw is the only one I've found to be consistently interesting, and funny.
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Anonymous 05/23/22(Mon)14:02:40 No. fg-TJ2URH11
>>fg-W0SNS81N Holy shit hahahah
Anonymous 05/26/22(Thu)12:06:01 No. fg-NGMRB3WP
>>fg-8CX2JLQF (OP) ugly ass nigger
Anonymous 07/15/22(Fri)22:52:57 No. HH5KN4L7
>>fg-8CX2JLQF (OP) Y'all who browse this imageboard are autistic fucks and will never become a techtuber. Cope and Seethe.
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)00:47:31 No. fg-99XVAP6L
>>fg-HH5KN4L7 → is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)10:00:39 No. RQCPX11O
>>fg-99XVAP6L You will buy a webcam. You will wash off the grease over your face. You will learn to edit videos and stream. And you will write and practice your speech, something you have never done before. But you are not a techtuber, and you will NEVER become one.

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alt-chan technologies Anonymous 07/15/22(Fri)21:28:20 No. 0L7GQPC6
Is this is a superior altchan technology to fchan? Bitmessage sounds cooler than ActivityPub. Full decentralization is preferable to federated cuck.

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postan from plan9 Anonymous 05/23/21(Sun)17:15:03 No. fg-Y33AU133
take the 9pill /g/, experience peak comf
33 replies and 2 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 04/16/22(Sat)00:20:52 No. fg-3OELN56E
>>fg-6HD9GU15 shitposting and overcompensating for having nazi satire on their website. its essentially armor against faggots and repellent against actual nazis.
Anonymous 05/04/22(Wed)19:03:38 No. fg-RQZVJXRT >>fg-DVADPNH6
>>fg-Y33AU133 (OP) Can you host xmpp on it?
Anonymous 05/10/22(Tue)15:01:19 No. fg-DVADPNH6
>>fg-RQZVJXRT no. you could probably port prosody since its written in lua though, there's a port of lua to plan9 on sourcehut/shithub.us i think
Anonymous 07/14/22(Thu)02:32:28 No. fg-QDYBUH1I
>>fg-GJ3WY0W3 Linux also has namespaces. How do they compare?
Anonymous 07/14/22(Thu)07:46:06 No. fg-UAVJV9HE
>>fg-OFDQSL1G I will use
cat /dev/screen | topng | cat > 9pill.png
and there is nothing you can do about that.

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Nostr-style imageboard Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)16:20:43 No. fg-FROBG07O
The main censorship-resistance benefits of FChannel come from posts federating to other instances, not from people having choice in what instance to post on like fediverse (since everyone is anonymous and no accounts are required, one instance is just like any other). The problem is that it's not obvious which instances/boards federate with which others. If you accidentally post on a board that no one follows you are just pissing in the wind. One solution would be for everyone to use FCHAM (but that is currently nowhere to be found) or a site that hosts and updates the diagrams it generates. Or better, display a list of boards that your post will federate to in the 'create post' section. Another solution would be to make an imageboard inspired by or based on Nostr (https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nostr). Instead of instances, we would have 'relays'. Posters post to multiple relays and subscribe to multiple relays. Posts would have an ID to prevent duplicate posts from showing up in people's feeds. Like federation, this provides censorship-resistance as posts would be hosted on multiple relays. But doesn't have the problem of it not being clear where posts are going to go. What do you think of this idea?
Anonymous 06/29/22(Wed)18:43:46 No. fg-87QEY2V4 >>fg-OD0WS287
>>fg-FROBG07O (OP) I think that's cool, I will try to write imageboard-like platform that you can use from browser, cli or gui that uses nostr.
Anonymous 06/30/22(Thu)11:48:49 No. fg-OD0WS287
>>fg-87QEY2V4 Nice!
Anonymous 06/30/22(Thu)22:40:18 No. fg-FGJO54GK
>>fg-FROBG07O (OP) it's not plainly obvious, but check out /<board>/followers, like /g/followers, same for following. it's json, not pretty, but you get to see. there's not a lot of activity on any instances (yet, hopefully) so it probably wouldn't make a difference >other solution this is almost entirely how it works now just with different terminology...? asides from posting to multiple relays and asymmetric cryptography of course. i personally don't see a point in building anew unless you want to try out new technologies
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>One solution would be for everyone to use FCHAM That's very flattering. >or a site that hosts and updates the diagrams it generates. I'm currently working on implementing FCHAM on FBI2, so you can view the federation map directly on your client.
Anonymous 07/13/22(Wed)12:16:39 No. fg-DPRWSUVR
>>fg-IE2P9QEV hello there what is FCHAM and what is FBI2? thank you for your efforts anyway

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Adaptive proof of work Anonymous 02/24/22(Thu)00:39:32 No. KJXPU1UM
Adaptive proof of work is a proof of work that adjust it's complexity. This means for most real users the proof of work is completely undetectable taking less than 100 milliseconds, and only increases in difficulty and time-delay for specific networks or regions where the Adaptive Risk Engine perceives higher risk. Adaptive proof of work can be combined with a classic Captcha, in order to mitigate spam, shilling, and bots on anonymous boards. FChan Captcha can be solved by deep learning. On the other hand, image captchas can be bought $3 per thousand. Combining adaptive proof of work, with an open-source image captcha, could be a solution against the spam problem.
Anonymous 07/13/22(Wed)10:26:23 No. fg-HD91YHRY
>You will run PoW codes on your computer. >And you will be happy.

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Onion instances Anonymous 02/23/21(Tue)18:02:49 No. fg-MORL0KUT
I have created two fchan instances that use Tor for access and federation http://cunnyem6udnpdthufbf6cl3jgiesispywidvhceeooga2nahhsb5cdyd.onion http://funion4ylmhcmta2woue7xapvquqt2rnpiccofeturwzd2b6b75si2id.onion
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Do you guys think Taylor Swift is hot?
Anonymous 03/01/22(Tue)07:59:29 No. fg-N57CJICE
>>fg-4M9HGT8B If you're using tails or whonix definately not. TLS over for is redundent
Anonymous 06/26/22(Sun)01:05:57 No. fg-VRCE0FLX >>fg-I8ZJYVNV >>0AJV7P43
What is the point of this
Anonymous 06/26/22(Sun)03:36:38 No. fg-I8ZJYVNV
>>fg-VRCE0FLX point of what? federated image board? whats the point of centralized image boards?
Anonymous 07/13/22(Wed)07:28:27 No. 0AJV7P43
>>fg-VRCE0FLX >point Being able to post anonymously while the content is still available on the clearnet.

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Are breasts technology?
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Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)13:38:09 No. fg-916GB8AC
>>fg-1C4E4648 (OP) It sounds interesting. I think we should investigate deeper.
Anonymous 04/14/22(Thu)16:46:55 No. fg-H58NM046
Anonymous 05/17/22(Tue)23:32:30 No. fg-BRUBC0GV
>>fg-1C4E4648 (OP) yes my nigga
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)00:25:02 No. fg-E9MHNU2O >>fg-LN0LJFW2
>>fg-2FF22427 Are women with silicone breasts cyborgs?
Anonymous 07/12/22(Tue)00:55:35 No. fg-LN0LJFW2
>>fg-E9MHNU2O robowoman she can beat your male ass

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Messaging thread Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)12:17:31 No. fg-FBRS5LVG
So fedifellas what are you using to communicate with your fellow autists and tech illiterates?
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Anonymous 06/21/22(Tue)08:17:52 No. fg-RT8RGP81 >>fg-NJU7XD2N
In an ideal world we would use XMPP. I used to try to reach this ideal world and even got a bunch of "normal" people to try it. But it was too prone to breakage. Matrix seems to work better, at least for now. There are valid concerns regarding it but I'll cope with it as long as we're leaving WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and whatnot behind.
Anonymous 06/24/22(Fri)03:49:57 No. fg-YI87MPLC
XMPP for my fellow autists I only know online FB Messenger (via Caprine) for normies I know IRL >>fg-XRJZCJMG you can at least sandbox it. still not the best though
Anonymous 06/26/22(Sun)01:10:16 No. fg-IHCU2V09
How the heck is signal even an option?? It operates on phone numbers! Threema, wire, session, jami do not require phone numbers. XMPP is best.
Anonymous 06/26/22(Sun)09:18:47 No. fg-NJU7XD2N
>>fg-RT8RGP81 Its XMPP is better than Matrix but matrix has better clients and servers. Very few would be willing to host an XMPP server even for a closed group.
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you guys what's up with keybase. has anyone heard of it yet? i've got it recommended but i don't quite trust it. http://keybase5wmilwokqirssclfnsqrjdsi7jdir5wy7y7iu3tanwmtp6oid.onion/ this is their website and on their blog they claimed to have teamed up with ZOOM -> http://keybase5wmilwokqirssclfnsqrjdsi7jdir5wy7y7iu3tanwmtp6oid.onion/blog/keybase-joins-zoom do people actually fall for these honeypots?

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