/prog/ - Programming


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HOW DO I keep fchan running when the terminal is closed? im used to pm2 in node js not sure how to do it for fchan tho. Pls answer
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>>fprog-D00PL2C5 when degenerate loosers likeyou post crap like that, it makes people realize that a federated board is dumb...who wants to link to degenerates???
for ubuntu 20.04 the nohup command is all one needs. like nohup ./fchan & it is built right in, no need to install anything at all. ................. ALSO the idea of federation is just incredibly stupid. People want to run a board...not host other people's degenerate images. PLUS all the federation BULLSHIT by default opens your system to exploits and adds more code to the codebASE.
Anonymous 08/20/21(Fri)00:56:33 No. fprog-Y6A5ITTJ >>fprog-P92WG42C
>>fprog-FW2UO388 >the idea of federation is just incredibly stupid. Then fucking leave, why are you even hosting an instance? >People want to run a board... not host other people's degenerate images. THEN DON'T FEDERATE WITH THE BOARDS YOU FUCKING TROGLODYTE
Anonymous 08/20/21(Fri)01:01:23 No. fprog-Q15Q8RHD
>>fprog-N9XPGHKX (OP) >>D5E00Q3R >>fprog-FW2UO388 clowns like you shouldn't be running an imageboard
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)01:47:31 No. fprog-P92WG42C
>>fprog-Y6A5ITTJ Federate or gtfo, should be teh motto. Federation should be ez to upkeep and run, so the spread remains healthy. No need to federate, sure, but the whole point is not to become cuckchang

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> ^n[a-z]+g+.*r$ is regex used anywhere other than in obsolete shell scripts?
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>>fprog-YYP3IGVP Naggers being filtered out counts as a fringe benefit.
Anonymous 12/15/21(Wed)06:45:00 No. fprog-1XM2P0BN >>fprog-2NI42EQA
>>fprog-YYP3IGVP hows this? > ^[nN][1il][9gq]{2}ers? matches with: nigger niggers n1ggers nlggers ni99er niqqer anyway to make this better? (anymore creative ways of saying nigger)
Anonymous 12/15/21(Wed)06:46:31 No. fprog-2NI42EQA
>>fprog-1XM2P0BN > n1qg3rs
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OP a faggot. Everything remotely powerful has regex. Only niggerlicious software doesn't.
Anonymous 01/20/22(Thu)10:50:34 No. OJEMP8JP
>>fprog-1XM2P0BN negger

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WPA handshake script Anonymous 09/28/21(Tue)08:26:54 No. fprog-FRTQ0A4A
Does /prog/ have a script to automatically capture WPA handshakes? Bash or python is preferred as I am capable of writing those languages. I've looked into autobash already but it uses incredibly outdates dependencies which can of course be resolved but it sure as hell is annoying, but it won't work because it also requires hashcat which is not available in my desired architecture (armhf) I don't want to write my own if someone else has already done it before, so if you have something like this of know about a similar project then please do share. If I decide to write my own then I will make it FOSS and share it here.
Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)16:56:24 No. fprog-48OZJJZO
>>fprog-FRTQ0A4A (OP) stop hacking chodomite let me connect to my router

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.NET Development Anonymous 07/28/21(Wed)05:41:03 No. fprog-ITPCFRVQ
I am looking to become a .NET developer to get some kind of comfy position at a well paying job. >Where do I start? I'm not sure >What kind of .NET should I use? I was thinking core, but I don't know if its stable >Does it feel good to program in .NET? I would think so when I'm making the big bucks >Why are you posting this? Let me know bros I'm all ears. Looking for a helping hand. If anyone would be willing to spread themselves my way I'd gladly embrace it. dotNET does seem like the way, but if you think its not memory safe let me know PLZ!!
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>>fprog-SYCYN1AC How is that and different than including Rust in the kernel? Rust has no standards same with every driver that needs to be implemented in the Linux kernel >No open standards Allowing sole organizations to sign off on commits? Patent trolls like IBM, Oracle etc... Don't want something in the kernel? Write a patent for it >Allowing for backdoors in the entire industry is equally as bad
Anonymous 07/28/21(Wed)15:16:19 No. fprog-NQ78HUVF
>>fprog-ITPCFRVQ (OP) >Where do I start? Depends on what you want to do. C# is an all around good programming language. ASP.NET is (while mediocre) the best for web dev under the .NET framework. There are definitely other decent languages but afaik those are the two most used and probably most useful There are plenty of great C# resources online (including a full video tutorial series published by microsoft) >Does it feel good to program in .NET? It can be depending on what you're doing, C# was the first language I learned and back when i was like 13-14 making stupid Windows apps it was very comfy. >Should I do this? Maybe, maybe not, if you don't care about Micro$hit's philosophy, track record, etc then absolutely do it, especially since there are some good paying dev jobs with it.
Anonymous 07/28/21(Wed)23:11:35 No. fprog-7XO9FKTJ
>>fprog-2283SYLD rust is just a tranny version of c++, and its inclusion in anything is purely tranny egomania
Anonymous 07/29/21(Thu)07:33:04 No. fprog-2M0AQBJU
Learn Q# instead
Anonymous 08/13/21(Fri)13:40:35 No. fprog-MIH4N8EL
>>fprog-2283SYLD >how is that different than kernel drivers a shitty programming language is not a kernel driver >rust has no open standards rust has no standards, so yea you're right they're just shoving shit into the kernel

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how do i use stdlib.h to infect users of my software with an std?
Anonymous 05/25/21(Tue)17:01:13 No. fprog-E686NGZ6
>>fprog-5LZBCB9V (OP) create a program that doesnt free memory and just has while(true) using malloc
Anonymous 07/29/21(Thu)15:39:18 No. MOTU7OGB
>>fprog-E686NGZ6 double fork(2) before that too
Anonymous 07/29/21(Thu)17:55:15 No. fprog-HF134EJH
>>fprog-5LZBCB9V (OP) penetrate(boolean viralLoad)

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tell me pls Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)03:22:57 No. fprog-EE5OSZBV
fellas, what is an erlang?
Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)05:47:07 No. fprog-UTA29AFZ
>>fprog-EE5OSZBV (OP) a faggot larper
Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)16:01:31 No. fprog-4L1QPE65
>>fprog-EE5OSZBV (OP) it's something daddy puts up his butt to make him feel good

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>pentards already fucking up this is what happens when you make being added to a global list be opt out instead of opt in tards gonna tard
17 replies and 4 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)14:32:34 No. fprog-WQT2TWFR
>>fprog-6UYTH2PJ DO NOT DO THIS. CORS must be handled by server with appropriate headers https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS
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>>fprog-TKQN4GE8 Patch submitted, it's only a matter of hours before it gets merged https://github.com/FChannel0/FChannel-Server/pull/36
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)21:31:11 No. fprog-K85VMHIK
>>fprog-8VCINN21 niceu picu
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)23:23:56 No. fprog-ZW1793L9
i have a primordial media proxy i need to finish making
Anonymous 07/05/21(Mon)00:55:51 No. fprog-4P53PYJ7
media proxy endpoint wired up http://2hu-ch.org/api/proxy?hash=bb469d75070cc69e3f0be0502c98e33ff5394e93da47a080950047fd9d6b131f

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What's a good way to differentiate anonymous posts? Anonymous 05/01/21(Sat)21:15:53 No. fprog-XQJ0RBG6
Basically see the thread https://anonium.net/thread/1b69c1a5191e0d81e75dea1ae6f56131#6e54c7de1b8b4cc29edff9913e35f47d I've considered: - show plain hex - show base64 - turn it into concatenation of words, like BIP39 - show hex, but only the last x digits Which would you prefer and why? Or do you have another idea?
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>>fprog-XQJ0RBG6 (OP) Why not just number sequentially, starting at 1? in Pleroma we found inspiration in flake[1], a Decentralized, K-Ordered Unique ID Generator as far as translating a hash to another format, well. I think word lists are fun; see this[2] chan-specific take on making hashes sometime. I don't think it was ever used by anyone (maybe BubbleBBS?). [1] https://archive.is/2015.07.08-082503/http://www.boundary.com/blog/2012/01/flake-a-decentralized-k-ordered-unique-id-generator-in-erlang/ [2] http://worrydream.com/tripphrase/
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)18:42:26 No. fprog-TB4ZUAXG
>>fb-VQOJCL9H → just make the last 3 characters always be digits and have the rest be hex, then you can still roll for dubs.
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)20:05:03 No. fprog-0AHN7I9B >>fprog-8WKC3VGN
why not make it the hash of the post contents?
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)00:44:27 No. fprog-8WKC3VGN >>fprog-YNCCV5BC
>>fprog-0AHN7I9B flakes mentioned in >>fprog-RP4UJWA6 beat a hash of post contents because they are sortable by time
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)15:36:55 No. fprog-YNCCV5BC
>>fprog-8WKC3VGN make the timestamp part of the value you hash

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>/prog/ >Not a textboard
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Anonymous 04/02/21(Fri)12:08:37 No. fprog-QTX5Y0MR
>>fprog-14100A45 A DILDO LINKD IT ON POL xpect shillbots...
Anonymous 04/05/21(Mon)01:28:18 No. fprog-9QEBU4EC
>>fprog-8642A89E (OP) 26ch.org/prog/
moot!fa6d37b0 04/12/21(Mon)23:29:03 No. fprog-JV3N7Y42 >>fprog-7DKTM5ER
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)00:43:17 No. fprog-7DKTM5ER
>>fprog-JV3N7Y42 it's okay to be upset about tripcodes being WRONG on fchan
🐝 shill 🐝 07/01/21(Thu)18:03:25 No. fprog-DAXVBOGF
>>fprog-2ACC5E2B there's also https://multichan.sageru.org/tags/prog

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Setting up my own fchan Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)19:42:28 No. fprog-XUBY8VJ0
# Debian apt install redis apt install imagemagick apt install exiv2 nano config createuser --pwprompt fchan -d createdb --owner=fchan fchan go run . Might help someone
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sage 07/01/21(Thu)02:46:29 No. fprog-QDH0IMTQ
>>fb-CMC11OQI → ok its fixed
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)02:59:28 No. fprog-I6EWA7J5
i don't get it my psql server doesnt start :(
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>>fb-S91TU360 → using openrc, can't create a lock file is the main issue and i haven't found anything that fixes it right now. Not trying to host an instance I'm just trying to contribute and it makes it easier if I can test my changes kek
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)03:24:20 No. fprog-FAM8BD16
>>fprog-1SCZTZJH ok i just manually made the folder but now it's saying that it doesn't have permission even though i gave it permissions
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)03:45:06 No. fprog-L7PP3XG5
>>fb-C6J36WCD → yeah, so thats why im confused. Maybe ill just setup a vm with a systemd distro for testing, it might be easier that way

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Any arch/artix fedifags here? I made a fairly minimal AUR helper for automating pretty much any package. All the other AUR helpers I've seen are super bloated and have a bunch of useless features. Still a WIP, but it functions for 99% of cases that don't need any involved setup. Check it out if you want. https://github.com/seth-scherer/mah
Anonymous 06/18/21(Fri)20:24:48 No. fprog-FBKR7GPN >>fprog-I4GLPJLL
>>fprog-F7I1GKYE (OP) nice script i dont have $HOME/Downloads folder could you have a check if $HOME/Downloads does not exist to uses /tmp? might also be nice to have an option to audit the PKGBUILD file with something like less or a text editor and then install if everything is ok.
Anonymous 06/18/21(Fri)22:19:38 No. fprog-I4GLPJLL
>>fprog-FBKR7GPN Thanks for the feedback anon, just added that. If you think any other additions could be needed, I'm all for it.

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https://github.com/Billy02357/shvirus I made this while bored What add now?
Anonymous 06/14/21(Mon)21:22:22 No. fprog-RMB49OZH
>>fprog-NJ5VD3T8 (OP) add some comments, i have no idea what it does
Anonymous 06/14/21(Mon)22:22:46 No. fprog-KKNH8O6F
>>fprog-NJ5VD3T8 (OP) nice sequence of commands. need to remove startenc and endenc unless you are meaning to keep those around. suggestions are depending if youre trying to cause damage or just leave your mark in as many places. atm it seems fine for its current use case. if you already have user control to execute the script you already have more access than the script will be able to provide. so this one seems to do its job.
Anonymous 06/16/21(Wed)03:06:59 No. fprog-4QWEUW9T >>fprog-0247PJN6
>>fprog-NJ5VD3T8 (OP) >by Billy02357 AKA noid explain this
Anonymous 06/18/21(Fri)16:40:28 No. fprog-0247PJN6 >>fprog-X6PMZV19
>>fprog-4QWEUW9T this is nothing
Anonymous 06/18/21(Fri)21:40:44 No. fprog-X6PMZV19
>>fprog-0247PJN6 i spotted you pal now spill the beans

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I like the new post-hover... very minimal and sleek. Thanks devchan!
Anonymous 06/18/21(Fri)14:36:03 No. fprog-TSLHDO29 >>fprog-4ZJCQWUI
>>fprog-ZBFXNRUQ (OP) no js too!
Anonymous 06/18/21(Fri)16:19:24 No. fprog-4ZJCQWUI
>>fprog-TSLHDO29 not really, js is still required to properly generate the links, but once a complete no-js interface is created, it will work as intended

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leaving the bracket on the same line is better because it makes the source code smaller and thus reduces bloatness >imagine wasting time pressing a key just so you can put the curly bracket in a new line and make you code even uglier and more bloated pathetic
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imagine not putting your brackets on a new line
Anonymous 05/25/21(Tue)18:37:46 No. fprog-K0C4XC75 >>fprog-8HHG9SCM
>>fprog-AGAUVIB2 (OP) This is how civilization collapses, one bracket at a time. Little men cringing behind their glasses, staring and spaghetti code, sobbing as they tell themselves it's supposed to be hard to read. Your ancestors worshipped whitespace because they were not barbarians.
Anonymous 05/25/21(Tue)22:20:03 No. fprog-8HHG9SCM
>>fprog-K0C4XC75 8/10 pasta nice meme dude

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How do you type out your pointers Anonymous 04/26/21(Mon)06:17:20 No. fprog-1606BEVL
int* ip or int *p
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Anonymous 05/09/21(Sun)15:41:06 No. fprog-B0W2SD51 >>fprog-OCTLEQR0
>>fprog-SG6H9U6I then do >int * p, * q; it's still easier to see it as "int pointer" with this exception
Anonymous 05/09/21(Sun)18:46:46 No. fprog-OCTLEQR0
>>fprog-B0W2SD51 >2 spaces now that is just silly
>>fprog-1606BEVL (OP) When I started C, I looked at C code to choose my coding style. Here are some of my inspirations: https://aiju.de/misc/c-style https://man.openbsd.org/style https://suckless.org/coding_style/ https://man.cat-v.org/plan_9/6/style Some code I looked at was the plan9 source code and dwm source code. Hope that helps!
Anonymous 05/14/21(Fri)16:31:16 No. fprog-8U0QKH0L
>>fprog-F251CGFK my style is based on some of those as well thank Stallman for all the libreware out there that helped me learn
Anonymous 05/21/21(Fri)21:05:02 No. fprog-V2BCEKA3
>>fprog-F251CGFK I like GNU style. check glib and GTK, the code style is pretty neat

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