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Attempt at creating a FChannel local client Anonymous 07/28/21(Wed)04:30:40 No. fprog-DK37PT1F
I am done with FCHAM, so I have started a new project: a client for FChannel. My idea is to allow you to subscribe to instance's boards by specifying (in a configuration file maybe) which outboxes to download, after that the client will download the outboxes and build an HTML page of for you. My idea is that the HTML will be static, local, and without javascript. It may download attached files locally idk. I don't intend to let you post replies from the client (I don't even know how I would do that), but it can link to the post so you can reply from its instance. It doesn't seen too hard to build these pages, I think I will take a look at the server's repo and just translate code from it. You can check it out here http://git.p6nhckzlonbw72mhxqcyfa474ssavlnud6tvpmhjzf37r2zyz2ommtqd.onion/fchan-client/log.html, but to say it is currently barebones would be overestimating it. Anyway, I like to put puns on the names of my projects, but I am lacking inspiration for this one (fchan-client is too inane for my taste), any suggestions?
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Anonymous 07/03/22(Sun)18:51:54 No. fprog-FSAUDEL7
>>fprog-ZO2J34WU yeah ill work on adding those. ill probably add the captcha endpoint when i change the captcha because the current one is trivial to break if someone wanted so providing an endpoint that can easily be broken time and a time again wouldnt be good but the other stuff makes sense.
Anonymous 07/03/22(Sun)21:24:50 No. fprog-X8EJ21BS >>fprog-14I2I7K5
>>fprog-3LRHFODW while on my travels to see if what i was thinking was true, i found another issue! i found a way to discover the mod key and have an (albeit invalid) session token generated where i am in control of the password the report to this post will contain the mod key for proof while i haven't vetted the source yet, i'm sure that this is largely a non-issue for anywhere that checks auth, hopefully everywhere but if the whole point was to keep the mod key private, the location of where the issue is went with it
Anonymous 07/03/22(Sun)21:55:28 No. fprog-14I2I7K5
>>fprog-X8EJ21BS thanks for reporting that should be fixed.
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some times it is very hard to keep it together while programming for example, take a look at https://poopchan.org/pen/following do you notice anything? look at fchan.xyz/pen's entry >"id": " https://fchan.xyz/pen", why? WHY IS THERE A FUCKING SPACE BEFORE THE FUCKING ID WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WH YWH YWHW YWH YW HWY HWY HWY WHY WHWY HW YWH YWH WYW HWY HWY HWY HYWH WYH WYW HWY WH YWHW YW HWYHWYWHYWHWYHWYWHWYHWYWHYWHWYHWYWHYWHWYWHYWHWYHWYWHWYHWYHWYWHWYHWYWHYWHWYWH no prob i will just remove the ^ from my match string and it will work ...OR FUCKING WILL IT? https://fchan.xyz/b/following >"id": "https://penchan.xyz" WHY THE FUCK IS IT FOLLOWING PENCHAN ITSELF INSTEAD OF ITS /B/?????? WHY CANT DATA JUST BE CONSISTNET AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ok ok i can just make it default to the instance's board in such cases ...but is that even how it works? when it says simply "https://penchan.xyz" does it mean the same board as the actor (in this case 'b') or the entirety of penchan?
Anonymous 07/14/22(Thu)17:53:29 No. fprog-B0331F3D
Releasing FBI2, now it is called CIA. The server is up: http://git.p6nhckzlonbw72mhxqcyfa474ssavlnud6tvpmhjzf37r2zyz2ommtqd.onion/cia/file/README.html FChannel can't show my past post with the changelog (though you can read it on the textboard - thank you, based feditext), but basically now you can post from the client, hide posts, see a map of the federation, and there is a page showing statistics about instances, posts, boards, etc.

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professional programming language Anonymous 09/17/21(Fri)12:51:32 No. fprog-4YP1X037
hey guys i am currently looking for a job. what language should i learn/expand in? what is the most wanted atm?
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Anonymous 05/18/22(Wed)01:39:41 No. fprog-VOEM9ROT >>fprog-SU3ZB90L
>>fprog-7QLLRF5V shut the fuck up faggot, dx12 only works on windows and metal is nothing. vulkan and opengl are pretty much what you need
Anonymous 07/06/22(Wed)00:57:48 No. fprog-SU3ZB90L
>>fprog-VOEM9ROT CUDA is worth learning too despite locking you to Nvidia products, a lot of the DSP and ML software running in datacenters still use it commonly. not a fan of propitiatory APIs, but it is still a thing
Anonymous 07/07/22(Thu)04:59:52 No. fprog-EAIJSQNA
>>fprog-L53KSM6V → Congrats OP. I hope you like your job and coworkers. What industry? I just got a coding job in the WebDev mines with Microsoft Java.
Anonymous 07/09/22(Sat)13:20:15 No. fprog-00PXXFM2 >>fprog-7PHKB3VB
>>fprog-4YP1X037 (OP) Common Lisp Scheme Haskell Perl Racket
Anonymous 07/12/22(Tue)00:45:55 No. fprog-7PHKB3VB
>>fprog-00PXXFM2 I have never encountered any of those IRL (jobs) in the last decade, but will admit different fields are different. I have only ever seen IRL: Java Python Go C C++ SQL Javascript A lot of those are rightly considered horrible, but I feel like those are still the most universal, so you would want to know them for employment.

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FederatedChannel Hacky AutoMapper v1.0 Anonymous 07/28/21(Wed)03:39:12 No. fprog-OFF4C8HU
FCHAM is a couple of scripts for generating a graph with graphviz of the FChannel network. It started as an innocent attempt to visualize the federation status, but has evolved into a somewhat decent program. You can see the original thread here: https://fchan.xyz/b/HDAMDSZB (though if you browse /b/ you have probably seem it already. Many times. Over and over. People started complaining, so I will spam /prog/ now) FCHAM is made of two scripts: * fetch-data, shell script responsible for downloading all the following.json from all boards from the known instances * make-graph, lua script that parses the json and generates a .dot file used by graphviz' dot filter, it is then used to render the graph There are recipes in Makefile for all the files needed to create the map, so a simple 'make' should execute everything perfectly. You will need graphviz installed on your system to be able to render the graph. lua and curl you may already have. tor (the daemon, not the browser) is an optional dependency if you want to fetch data from tor instances. You can download an archive of FCHAM at http://p6nhckzlonbw72mhxqcyfa474ssavlnud6tvpmhjzf37r2zyz2ommtqd.onion/fcham.pax.xz, read more about it at http://git.p6nhckzlonbw72mhxqcyfa474ssavlnud6tvpmhjzf37r2zyz2ommtqd.onion/fcham/file/README.html, and clone the git repository from http://git.p6nhckzlonbw72mhxqcyfa474ssavlnud6tvpmhjzf37r2zyz2ommtqd.onion/fcham.git. Pic related is the current map as generated by FCHAM ignoring 0x00000000.xyz (which is hidden by default), showing tor instances, hiding unknown instances, and merging /a/+/amh/ /b/+/vip/ and /lit/+/phi/ (the default merges). I think the color scheme is kinda bad, but there are too many instances now and I am bad with colors.
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Anonymous 06/30/22(Thu)11:52:26 No. fprog-1JL202YS >>fprog-Z5ALH4XF
>>fprog-OFF4C8HU (OP) ``` $ torsocks git clone http://git.p6nhckzlonbw72mhxqcyfa474ssavlnud6tvpmhjzf37r2zyz2ommtqd.onion/fcham.git Cloning into 'fcham'... 1656590060 PERROR torsocks[6457]: socks5 libc connect: Connection refused (in socks5_connect() at socks5.c:202) fatal: unable to access 'http://git.p6nhckzlonbw72mhxqcyfa474ssavlnud6tvpmhjzf37r2zyz2ommtqd.onion/fcham.git/': Couldn't connect to server ``` Anyone have a copy?
Anonymous 06/30/22(Thu)22:12:47 No. fprog-Z5ALH4XF
>>fprog-F64D728B → >Later today Haha that was a good one. Nevermind that, let's try Saturday. >>fprog-1JL202YS >git clone Not gonna work, I haven't installed git on the new server. >Couldn't connect to server Yea, down. I will post here when it is up.
Anonymous 07/02/22(Sat)19:23:42 No. fprog-1ZBZ29IJ >>fprog-YNI9H84D
It is up. http://xdni7g5asjyvbjqo4tp4qar5j7kcjjuifnrwbxxubb37bgrxdyicnzyd.onion/fcham.pax.xz
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>>fprog-1ZBZ29IJ No it's not
Anonymous 07/11/22(Mon)21:31:24 No. fprog-C88026F5
>>fprog-YNI9H84D then wait patiently

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Has anyone already devised a method to create an account and login using only a PGP key? The way I envision the account creation process is that the new user simply uploads his public key, but I am not sure how the login would to work. Maybe send some data to the user and ask him to sign it with his private key? It sounds kinda autistic to me, so I wonder if a better way already exists?
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Anonymous 03/01/22(Tue)17:12:13 No. X35RFOWV
>>fprog-UEV7X7XK (OP) TLS client certificates are a thing and are also supported by browsers
Anonymous 04/04/22(Mon)20:02:26 No. fprog-U9BJTA08 >>fprog-IWU0P8RD
>>fprog-X35RFOWV → what if doing it with http, for example over tor?
Anonymous 04/09/22(Sat)16:36:59 No. fprog-IWU0P8RD
>>fprog-U9BJTA08 TLS over TOR works no?
Anonymous 07/08/22(Fri)00:25:31 No. 4PW8KK95
This is basically what SQRL is. https://www.grc.com/sqrl/sqrl.htm Tl;dr you hash a master key with the domain name to derive a per site key, which you use to log in. Adding something to the domain name before hashing allows you to have multiple identities for the same site.
Anonymous 07/08/22(Fri)19:37:44 No. fprog-GFS47SBW
>Maybe send some data to the user and ask him to sign it with his private key? sounds like challenge response authentication where is challenge is sending the same data back signed

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Anonymous 06/06/22(Mon)05:48:26 No. 3RQE6N8V
>>fprog-5B24B02D (OP) >:(

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Interfacing with Fchan Anonymous 04/19/21(Mon)09:32:07 No. fprog-F6926VVH
I'm making my own chan, because there weren't enough chans already. So how can I make it interface with fchan? How does it work in a nutshell? I send POST requests to fchan, fchan sends POST requests to me? We keep seperate databases? Verification?
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Anonymous 04/22/21(Thu)18:48:02 No. fprog-DOJ72ZI8 >>fprog-B80MCOQQ
>>fprog-ARWGGSPK do anonymous imageboards fit in with microblog type systems that usually have a login attached to each post? how would a post from or to peertube look without a user login? would it be a post dedicated to that video?
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>>fprog-DOJ72ZI8 AFAI have been told the boards are the actors, aka "users". PreferredUsername is probably set to "anonymous" or something. So you would "follow" the "user" fchan.xyz/prog/ and then see "anonymous" post on your feed.
Anonymous 04/24/21(Sat)09:45:57 No. fprog-VJ1IU688 >>fprog-8C2S6A3I
>>fprog-B80MCOQQ That's how fchan works, but how would fchan federate with pleroma, mastodon, peertube etc where the original quote was referencing the mastodon url posted about auth standards.
Anonymous 04/24/21(Sat)10:08:56 No. fprog-8C2S6A3I
>>fprog-VJ1IU688 as of now, not. fchan needs to abide by their rules and setup if it wants to federate. The http request signature and a simple shared key for all boards seem pretty easy to add though. There's probably an opensll library available for go.
Anonymous 04/25/21(Sun)00:14:31 No. fprog-9VIPQZ85
Being closer to what other federated services do sounds like a decent idea. I'm also having trouble imagining what crossposting between something like pleroma and fchan would be like but maybe someone will come up with an inventive interface that would make it work?

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i wanted to give rust a chance, i really did but come the fuck on, not even the GNU Cbloatware Collection is this bloated
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Anonymous 05/26/21(Wed)09:28:06 No. fprog-TER5W7XA >>fprog-89FUXSIE
>>fprog-LYCZ04OX good fucking lord, is the trannys cant into programming meme real?
Anonymous 05/26/21(Wed)14:47:46 No. fprog-89FUXSIE >>fprog-0I9UUZ2O
>>fprog-TER5W7XA some trannies don't take themselves as seriously and learn a normal language like haskell or lisp, since they are autistic usually and functional language attract them. but yea there's a reason trannies never use C, someone correct me if i'm wrong
Anonymous 04/30/22(Sat)07:13:58 No. CMKXCA8H
Anonymous 05/05/22(Thu)13:12:34 No. fprog-ED7P2AOR
>>fprog-CMKXCA8H → test deez nuts in your mouth
Anonymous 05/10/22(Tue)15:07:54 No. fprog-0I9UUZ2O
>>fprog-89FUXSIE once in a blue moon a tranny writes good code and does it in C, there's maybe 1 9front dev like that. most can't be fucked with using sane tools because they want to feel special or got molested by C programmers or something

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lisp general
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Anonymous 06/26/21(Sat)20:05:38 No. fprog-NVN65AO0 >>fprog-F15L7S06
>>fprog-X0R2B2WJ is an empty list considered false?
Anonymous 06/27/21(Sun)09:46:57 No. fprog-F15L7S06
>>fprog-NVN65AO0 no, (null? '()) evaluates to #f
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)09:02:11 No. fprog-3ZBKOHK4 >>fprog-UV66UZPP
>>fprog-R3T1OZUX (OP) do we have any lispers around here? anyone using it in production?
Anonymous 07/10/21(Sat)23:11:08 No. fprog-JLYXCLDH
>>fprog-R3T1OZUX (OP) if that's what you see then why isnt it like that, silly?
Anonymous 04/26/22(Tue)18:42:50 No. fprog-UV66UZPP
>>fprog-033QE5AU Interesting. >>fprog-3ZBKOHK4 Yes.

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Anonymous 06/27/21(Sun)20:49:03 No. fprog-XQNNLOBK >>fprog-XQ7UIBVD
>>fprog-JWPLOESO being able to hit 2 keys to execute a command is faster than typing out the whole command and middle clicking I wasn't talking about keyboard navigation like this vim. You know like in tiling window managers you can set keybinds to open programs? I want something similar to that with acme. Thinking of just forking plan9ports acme and making it myself.
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)00:54:50 No. fprog-XQ7UIBVD
>>fprog-XQNNLOBK i see what you mean. you could create a dump file with the commands you want preloaded and just load acme form there every time through an alias or something, so you don't have to type "Put" every time. making a fork seems based though. there could be a way to script the filename into a Put command every time you open a file though, so you could also look at that
Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)02:14:32 No. fprog-1IYDD6FT
what a pretty desktop environment! I also use emacs.
Anonymous 04/25/22(Mon)07:48:16 No. fprog-50NY9ETS
Native compilation is nice. If you're still on Emacs 27 or older, try bumping up to Emacs 28.1 which was just released. Make sure it's compiled with native-compilation enabled.
Anonymous 06/01/22(Wed)06:22:38 No. fprog-KFSLVB67
>>fprog-JWPLOESO This is your brain on Plan 9

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Pls answer Meeeee 08/18/21(Wed)21:05:24 No. HBB7L95M
Hey, so I installed this, what is a good way to keep fchan running when the ssh terminal closes tho? Im used to using pm2 for node but that dont work here.
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For me it's busybox. It uses the /etc/inittab file, from where I call a single /etc/rc script (that's where I put all the commands that run at boot). This version of Ubuntu also had Upstart, but I didn't want to bother with that. Busybox does everything I need.
Anonymous 12/10/21(Fri)23:35:22 No. fprog-7DRAKDLJ
>>fprog-WA6R5DYI > https://jtimberman.housepub.org/blog/2012/12/29/process-supervision-solved-problem This is the article that sold me on runit years ago. I still use runit to this day. I love it.
deleted 04/13/22(Wed)01:30:30 No. TGZX3AOR
deleted 04/23/22(Sat)01:36:44 No. 1MUVSO8H
Anonymous 07/12/23(Wed)13:16:47 No. NBMTQF58

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shit that triggers my autism Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)05:29:30 No. fprog-XPQ580EN
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Anonymous 01/19/22(Wed)02:16:40 No. PKK2Y4F2
>>fprog-3HSD4BWD i am pretty sure it is possible to do something like that with vanilla git and shell scripting: just have a list of repos you want to "federate" with and write a script to automatically pull them from their repos and push onto yours. i guess real federation would allow remote repos to send you a message of some sort when a new update is push so you can pull immediately, but i think setting a cronjob to check the repo might be good enough.
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)02:08:27 No. fprog-GXIE34CK
>>fprog-WL5PE02A people not being able to dissociate svn from brand (acquisition by the 3 E's of microsoft). Decentralization should've been the norm, but then again, it's only applicative in ideology(poolitics)
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)03:25:36 No. fprog-5EZJNEG8
>>fprog-PKK2Y4F2 → Issues and PRs aren't part of the repo, you would need a protocol to federate those. Maybe a simple shell script would work for something like fossil where *everything* is part of the repo.
Anonymous 02/23/22(Wed)06:32:44 No. fprog-G1P9FMMD >>fprog-GEFEVN42
>>fprog-WL5PE02A How, do you just email patches?
Anonymous 04/20/22(Wed)18:29:03 No. fprog-GEFEVN42
>>fprog-G1P9FMMD man git-send-email

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How is it that in order to be very good programmer, you need to be very logical and mathematical, yet the field is full of trannies? Is this not a contradiction? I don’t get it.
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Anonymous 06/12/21(Sat)16:42:01 No. fprog-1DO2Z0YU
>>fprog-921DE73Y (OP) You have obviously never met a tranny Trannies are extremely logical and mathematical. A vast majority of mtf trannies have some kind of high-functioning autism. Every single one of the trannies I know is in STEM, highly logical and knows at least something about mathematics. I'm also an mtf tranny and I'm working on a master's degree in mathematics. >>fprog-WQALICVI You will never be a woman
Anonymous 06/16/21(Wed)03:09:33 No. fprog-3F98DYG9
>>fprog-921DE73Y (OP) deeply autistic men are good at coding, dunno what you're on about
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)02:04:39 No. fprog-CAAYK8GR
>>fprog-921DE73Y (OP) Thin line between madness and genius, genius being exceptions to the norm of genital mutilation/natural selection
Anonymous 02/12/22(Sat)02:35:50 No. fprog-13XXHL0N
>>fprog-921DE73Y (OP) testin'
Anonymous 02/13/22(Sun)06:20:17 No. fprog-GQS9G35L
It takes deranged or dedicated for any STEM, most being the former, rarely the latter.

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Thinking about bootstraping a SAAS product by myself Anonymous 09/12/21(Sun)11:37:33 No. fprog-6C1D3VT6
I really like Guile Scheme and would like to use it to build a SAAS webshit product by it. I would do this in my free time and I don't want to use some enterprise grade bullshit in my spare time as well. If this endeavour doesn't fail, do you think using obscure tech for basically CRUD backend is a big obstacle for future?
Anonymous 09/16/21(Thu)19:53:32 No. fprog-YT3XKPKX >>fprog-R3GJU13M
>>fprog-6C1D3VT6 (OP) I think the future is just more convoluted frameworks. People now days do not want to make application specific code and throw the entire kitchen sink at their project when only needing a water container. I don't see things getting more lean in the future only more bloated. Now personal projects I don't think it's a terrible idea, especially since you might learn a thing or two doing it that way. But for the masses, no.
Anonymous 09/17/21(Fri)15:50:29 No. fprog-R3GJU13M >>fprog-FZUG0WK0
>>fprog-YT3XKPKX >I think the future is just more convoluted frameworks That is exactly why I want to do it in Guile. I found its ecosystem very lean with just some libraries that help you with a specific problem but don't try to impose a particular design onto your whole program. >People now days do not want to make application specific code and throw the entire kitchen sink at their project when only needing a water container. I can only agree with this and it makes me sad as an engineer. Most of the times I am just playing with Legos which results in having very superficial understanding of the very thing I am building. The worst in this regard is IMO Android development.
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)01:56:18 No. fprog-FZUG0WK0
>>fprog-R3GJU13M We'll be replaced by some AI soon enough, maybe we can ask those to maximize optimization

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Request for Comment: Headless FChannel Server Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)20:18:44 No. fprog-KP506HJA
http://p6nhckzlonbw72mhxqcyfa474ssavlnud6tvpmhjzf37r2zyz2ommtqd.onion/files/rfc-hlfchand.ps I was gonna post an ascii version of the document, but apparently one and a half page is too large for a post here, so have a .ps instead. In short: I want to create a headless fchannel server, that is, a server compatible with the fchannel protocol, capable of talking to other instances, but that does not offer a web interface. To interact with it either use another instance or use a client (like FBI). But I want to hear what other people (in particular devchad) think before I start working on it.
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Anonymous 01/21/22(Fri)02:45:53 No. fprog-M0JUF1P3 >>fprog-PQRNLCPI
>>fprog-8UGQ6KQU >why not try an electron app BLOAT please do not encourage shit frameworks that make the world a worse place
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>>fprog-BZRKPMZ5 >You can hate on electron, but it’s basically just a slightly smaller browser >just a slightly smaller browser >uses chromium Still a hard pass. >Also i’m sorry, but Steve Jobs won. Everything is an application now, or app for short. Maybe on your glowphone. On a real computer programs are still called programs. >You seem like a pretty motivated guy >motivated lol I work on these projects on and off, like a couple of weeks doing actual work followed by a couple of months doing fuckall. >are you the maintainer of F Chan? I'm not a chad nor a saint, sorry. >but it would be nice if us shitty phone posters got a little bit of love. The site is pretty hard to read on a mobile device. As it should be. Pic related.
>>fprog-M0JUF1P3 Electron is too bloated. So its better to use a full browser. Do I have that right? >>fprog-R05TO6VC That’s a pretty ridiculous rationalization for not knowing CSS. Actual mulattos know media queries. I’m also not following why Chromium is a problem. Every other engine is actually worse. Gecko is terrible. WebKit is also worse, but at least not maintained by unhinged Mozilla trannies.
Anonymous 01/24/22(Mon)14:24:25 No. fprog-IG475ADZ
>>fprog-PQRNLCPI >That’s a pretty ridiculous rationalization for not knowing CSS. Who mentioned CSS, schizo?
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)01:51:34 No. fprog-69LYK6IJ
>>fprog-PQRNLCPI A full browser shouldn't require to emulate nuclear fission just to load a faggoty animation, nor ask you to covalently sell your soul to some niggerfaggot for a piece of information you could deduct with a little more thought.

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thoughts on raspberry pi
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Anonymous 08/05/21(Thu)16:25:18 No. fprog-FGWMWDE3
>>fprog-6IIKNN5F Doubt it, raspberry pi isn't about being small and useful hardware anymore, it's about being a replacement for a desktop basically. Other SBCs are better.
Anonymous 09/19/21(Sun)18:28:31 No. X03VXBKB
>>fprog-8HO5QIIX i use a rpi4 as a nas and i have not had any problems with that so far i also run a python-discordbot on it. but i wouldn't run anything more resource heavy on it since it is pretty slow
Anonymous 09/25/21(Sat)19:31:46 No. fprog-YJ2NVR42
>>fprog-34ZNOFSO idk it did come quite handy for me sometimes even though i didnt have any specific project idea in mind when i bought a 3B+ and a Zero W, have yet to regret the purchase to this day
Anonymous 11/29/21(Mon)00:25:41 No. fprog-BQDUCRGD
Too much proprietary shit. Get a well supported Allwinner or Rockchip SoC board instead. But don't get the lame ones like Banana Pi M3, kek. I have an A20 and A64 board, and they do what I need.
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)01:48:19 No. fprog-GSL54X5R
>>fprog-LZM1OHG3 (OP) install KISS on it, use it for something useful without it being part of the GlowNET

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